Andrey Orlov
Andrey has wide experience of managing real sector of economy companies in various spheres: production, logistics and construction. Moreover he started, developed and then sold several businesses himself.
Until 2004 he had two successful startups focusing on mobile devices – a communications store Mobilnik and a distributor of digital devices DigitalFree.
During 2003-2006 he founded and developed an Internet based solutions company. He also worked as a CEO of Russian online auto-platform AVTOtyumen.
From 2006 to 2008 he was working for various oil and gas companies in the Tyumen region as a marketing and sales specialist. During the same period of time he also founded a company specialized in transport and logistics (the company was sold in 2013).
In 2008 he joined Capinvest 21 and started working on its projects.
2008-2011 were the years when Andrey took part in development of different Capinvest 21’s portfolio projects. These projects were from such sectors of economy as oil and gas pipeline construction, detailed engineering, commerce and information services.
In 2013-2014 he was the head of a production company — steel production plant Tyumen-Module.
Since 2015 he acts as a managing partner of Capinvest 21.
Andrey has degrees from two Tyumen Universities: Tyumen State University (Information Technology) and Tyumen State University of Architecture and Construction (Economy and Finance).
Company’s partner
Vyacheslav Sorokin
Vyacheslav helps the company to build strong relations with its partners and contractors (including GR), he is also responsible for the technical side of our portfolio projects. In addition to all of the above, he has experience of working in the power industry.
Vyacheslav has vast experience of direct sales and marketing. Before joining Capinvest 21, he had worked in offline business. He is an entrepreneur with 16 years of experience and 3 own service industry startups in Ural Federal District.
Since 2013 he acts as Capinvest 21’s partner.